Ed MillerBearCam CompanionIn my first post as an AWS Community Builder, I laid out my goal for year 1 in the program. It is to define and develop new, open source…Apr 27, 2022Apr 27, 2022
Ed MillerBearcam Companion: Amplify StudioI finally had a chance to start working on the Bearcam Companion app over the weekend. I had described my plans for the app in a previous…May 23, 2022May 23, 2022
Ed MillerBearcam Companion: Amplify and ReactIn my last post, I set up the backend for the Bearcam Companion app using AWS Amplify Studio. This time I’ll write about the frontend code…May 31, 2022May 31, 2022
Ed MillerBearcam Companion: UI Improvements, Authentication and IdentificationsIn my previous post, I described how I used React and the Amplify CLI to implement an initial front-end for the Bearcam Companion. This…Jun 30, 2022Jun 30, 2022
Ed MillerBearcam Companion: GitHub, User Groups and RekognitionBy the end of my previous post, I had reached a good baseline for the Bearcam Companion app. It was past time to start tracking the code in…Jul 11, 2022Jul 11, 2022
Ed MillerBearcam Companion: Amplify StorageIn the Bearcam Companion application I am developing, I have been linking images directly to Explore.org Snapshots. Now I want to store the…Jul 31, 2022Jul 31, 2022
Ed MillerBearcam Companion: My First LambdaI have been making progress on the Bearcam Companion web application. I have implemented most of the main React frontend components with…Aug 23, 2022Aug 23, 2022
Ed MillerBearcam Companion: Hosting with Amplify and GitHubThe Bearcam Companion application was pretty much ready to go after my last post on Lambdas. The final step (at least for a minimum viable…Sep 4, 2022Sep 4, 2022
Ed MillerBearcam Companion: Demo VideoHere’s a demo video for the Bearcam Companion web application:Dec 8, 2022Dec 8, 2022